Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Works Cited
“Ancient China for Kids Qin (pronounced Chin) Dynasty.” China.mrdonn. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <http://china.mrdonn.org/‌qin.html>.
“EMPEROR QIN SHIHUANG AND THE QIN DYNASTY (221-206 B.C.).” Factsanddetails. N.p., 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <http://factsanddetails.com/‌china.php?itemid=40&catid=2>.
“http://china.mrdonn.org/‌dragons.html.” China.mrdonn. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <http://china.mrdonn.org/‌dragons.html>.
“Terracotta Army.” Wikipedia. N.p., 3 Feb. 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/‌wiki/‌Terracotta_army>.
“Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum.” Warriortours. N.p., 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <http://www.warriortours.com/‌cityguides/‌xian/‌terra_cotta_army/>.
Travel China Guide. “Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses.” TravelChinaGuide. N.p., 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <http://www.travelchinaguide.com/‌attraction/‌shaanxi/‌xian/‌terra_cotta_army/>.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Mohammed El-Sherbini


During the Qin dynasty, every one followed Legalism. Legalism made laws with severe punishments because Legalists believed that if people are punished, they would stop doing bad things. “Legalists believed that unless people are punished, they would not stop doing bad things,” (from QinDynasty.com). Legalists also made people who didn’t obey, build the Great Wall of China, and it was illegal to disagree with the government. If someone did something bad they would sometimes get punished by getting maimed. The laws were very strict with sever punishments. The rules were in a book called the Han Feizi or “Basic Writings.” They would train people to accept the rulers authority automatically. In the Qin dynasty, rulers thought that they were supposed to act by trusting nobody and not show affection. The ultimate goal in Legalism was to unite China and make it powerful again. Han Fei, the writer of the “Basic Writings,” believed that most people were naturally evil and selfish.


Mohammed El-Sherbini

During the Qin dynasty there were writers who wrote books that were called Scholars. The Scholars wrote many books but Emperor Qin ordered a book burning which was when they took all the books the Scholars wrote and threw them into a fire. Emperor Qin burned over a 100 books and wrote his own history books. That wasn’t the only thing Emperor Qin did that was bad, he also killed the scholars. He killed every scholar in the Qin dynasty. Since he killed over 460 scholars, and burned all there books, there wasn’t really anyone to write any more books. Emperor Qin killed all the scholars by making them all go in a hole. He put people with weapons and shovels on the perimeter of the hole, some to fill up the hole with the scholars in it, and the others would hit the scholars back in the hole if they tried to escape. Emperor Qin wanted to be the only ruler and person that everyone would listen to. So one of the reasons why he burned the scholars books and the scholars, was so nobody can listen/do what the books say to do or is right. Emperor Qin trusted nobody so he didn’t want anybody to write anything that could be wrong.

Qin Dynasty Map

The Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.) was much smaller than present day China. But conquering land was one of Emperor Qin’s goals. The capital was Xianyang between the Yellow river and the Great Wall of China. The Warring States Period (480-221 B.C.E.) was before the Qin Dynasty but much smaller. During the Warring States Period, Qin was one of the states that were located in the west of the country. When Emperor Qin became ruler, the empire became more powerful and took over all of the states. After it got bigger by conquering the Warring states, Qin conquered more land beyond those borders such as Qu, Ying, Yong, Jin, Yan, Qi, and more. Eventually, instead of being the Warring States Period anymore, it became the Qin dynasty.


                                         Editorial                 Mohammed El-Sherbini

    Emperor Qin made a decision to building the Great Wall of China. It is going to be built on the northern border of China and southern border of Mongolia. It is being built to protect China from being invaded by Mongolia. “Emperor Qin’s great idea of the Great Wall of China begins!”
It will be harder for Mongolians to invade China because of the big wall in the way. China will be safer and no Mongolians will ever rule China. The wall will help China, more, people will die from an invasion, and Mongolians will have a hard time getting to China with the wall in the way.  
The Great Wall is a bad idea. Many people are dieing building it. It’s more dangerous building it then being invaded. Some people believe that you can die from building it, get sick, it’s a waist of money, a waist of time, and it won’t help China at all.
That’s why the Great Wall of China is a great idea, help China.

News Article

Construction of Emperor tomb begins!

                    By:Mohammed El-Sherbini
                    China Globe

Lintong County - Right now our Emperor, Emperor Qin, recently ordered craftsman to make exact replicas of his warriors out of clay to put in his tomb. Emperor Qin has ordered craftsmen to do this because he wanted his warriors to be with him after he dies so they can protect him in the afterlife. They tomb right now (in 221 B.C.) is still under construction 20 miles east of Xiayang. Another reason why Emperor Qin is doing this is so he can have an army in the present and in the afterlife.
    Emperor Qin was first emperor of China, and first to control all of China. Qin never took orders from anyone and didn’t trust any one. He ordered craftsmen to build his tomb and and the Terracotta army to protect him in the afterlife. Qin wanted to live forever so he can rule China forever. So he ordered alchemists to make elixirs/potions for him to drink for him to live forever.
    When we went near the site of the construction of Emperor Qin’s we asked some witnesses of what they thought about the tomb. One man named Ban Chao, a poor farmer, was asked “Do you think what Emperor Qin is doing right now a good or a bad idea?” Ban thought the idea was a good idea. “It ‘s a good idea, it will show how the warriors look like to know what Emperor Qin’s army looked like. It will also show how China looks like today,” Ban said excitedly.
    After Ban’s response we decided to ask another man to see his opinion about this event. We asked a man named Zhang Qian, a poor merchant, the same question, and he thinks the tomb is a bad idea. “I honestly think that the tomb dumb, a waist of time, and a waist of money,” Zhang said strictly. Zhang also told us that the tomb is probably one of the worst ideas Emperor Qin has made.